Tuesday 17 March 2015

Ever heard of a pangolin? If you haven't you better hurry! or you never will!!!1

The unique animal the Pangolin which looks like a dinosaur but isn't, has been declared the world's most hunted animal. 

Pangolins are mammals with scales, of the genus <em>Manis</em> in the family <em>Manidae</em>. Their closest relatives are anteaters, armadillos and sloths. These two will end up on a dinner table in Gunagzhou, southern China, one of the areas of the world where their flesh is considered a delicacy.Poachers across Indonesia sell critically endangered live pangolins to middlemen for $28 (£18.70) to $31 per kilo; the average size of a pangolin is six to seven kg.

Many have fallen victim to poachers, whoi sell them for around £19 a kg.

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