Monday 30 March 2015

Check out this blog called numpty nerd!!!

The numpty nerd blog has posts on the following-
Globalisation and localisation- Glocalisation video clip  video clip

Cultural diffusion- with a very interesting clip on TCKs (third culture kids)  vimeo vid clip

Third Culture Kids
Third culture kid (TCK, 3CK) are a cultural group that have grown in size in an increasingly globalised world. Sometimes referred to as cultural chameleons or global nomads, TCKs are examples of people that are affected by the process of global diffusion and the way cultures can behybridised

Where is home? A simple question for most may be a difficult question to answer if you are living in a third culture that is detached from a specific place. 

International airports are places that are sometimes associated with TCKs.

Globalisation and fashion- interesting clip on the clothing we wear today 

Globalisation and food-     interesting clip on 'whopper virgins' the team have looked to find people who have never eaten a whopper to see if they like it.   A good look at the globalization of sport    looks at Londons ethnoscape

Sunday 29 March 2015

Ulan Ude: Cultural crossroads in Siberia

The capital of the Republic of Buryatia mixes Soviet and Buddhist styles in its architecture
  The main group are the Buryat- Buddhist Russians.


Cultue in North Korea-

Some 'facts' from USA today.....

The founder of North Korea, first president Kim Il Sung, created the country's policy of  JUCHE or "self-reliance," which has essentially cut off North Korea economically and diplomatically from the rest of the world even in times of great need such as famines.

Only military and government officials can own motor vehicles.

150-200,000 citizens live in prison camps, political prisoners account for 40% and whole families may be locked up, They are made to do 'hard labour' and many die from malnutrition- power phrased from USA today- source- amnesty international 2011.

North Koreans must abide by one of 28 approved haircuts. Unmarried women must have short hair, but married woman have many more options. The hair of young men should be less than 2 inches long, older men can go as long as 2¾ , according to a Taiwanese website WantChinaTimes.

All legal televisions are tuned to state-controlled domestic programming. The Internet does not exist other than a closed domestic network. Cellular 3G access is allowed to foreigner visitors. Few North Koreans know anything about world events apart from how they are described by North Korean propaganda.

The border between North Korea and South Korea is one of the most militarized in the world, according to the State Department. Pyongyang has about 1.2 million military personnel compared with 680,000 troops in South Korea, where 28,000 U.S. troops are also stationed. Nearly 6 million North Koreans are reservists in the worker/peasant guard, compulsory to the age of 60. (meaning if needed they can be called upon to join the army in times of war/ conflict).

The World Food Programme estimates that 6 million of North Korea's 25 million people are in need of food aid and one-third of children are chronically malnourished or stunted. Although ethnically the same- North Koreans born after 1950 are on avg, 2 inches shorter than South Koreans.

Nearly all property belongs to the state. A modern independent judicial system does not exist. Religious freedom does not exist.

Foreign investment in North Korea reached $1.4 billion in 2010, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. European and Chinese companies have opened casinos for tourists and invested in mines for copper, nickel, zinc, iron and gold. Mineral reserves are estimated to be worth $6 trillion, says South Korean state mining company Korea Resources.

North Korea has a network of informants who monitor and report to the authorities fellow citizens they suspect of criminal or subversive behaviour. Unauthorized access to non-state radio or TV broadcasts is severely punished.

From BBC article- 2011-

North Koreans are well educated and many speak good English, there are many English teachers working in the country and the son of the former leader was educated in the UK (university level)
Students say they admire other leaders like Mao and Stalin, but haven't heard of Mandela.
Presidents receive 'immortality' status, residents still refer to dead previous president as 'the president', The capital city Pyongyang has more than 50 statues of him (despite death in 1994).

About 3,000 people 'leave/ escape' North Korea into the south each year, they have to spend time in a special education programme to learn about life in the 21st century (South Korea is one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world- there are computers and cameras in the shopping areas to send images to friends and they are better connected by broadband than any other nation) Unreported World China & North Korea The Great Escape, Documentary 2009.

NK is not connected to the WWW, they have an internal intranet only. Mobile phone calls cannot contact outside world (legally).
Tourism is allowed but the areas they can see are limited and a guide must be present.

Flowers dedicated to the Kim leaders

NK has named flowers after its 2 former presidents- "Kimjongilia" and the "Kimilsungia".

from the guardian 2014-

Photos showing example hair styles hang inside a barber shop in Pyongyang in 2013.

Photos showing example hair styles hang inside a hair salon in Pyongyang in 2013.

View image on Twitter

The leader in 2015

Western education in Pyongyang- BBC panorama programme- Educating North Korea

Pyongyang University of Science and Technology

There are 500 male students, handpicked by the regime (most sons of current govt officials). They attend the university on the city edge and attend lectures in English- often from English/ American lecturers.
The uni was funded by Korean and US Christian charities (the practicing Christianity is illegal in NK)

A military school in North Korea- BBC video clip 2013

Undercover in NK- a BBC clip 2013 Youtube 30 minute BBC panorama programme from 2013.

 Educational programme brings foreigners to North Korea- BBC article 2011

cocacolonisation- in all but 2 countries.......

Coca Cola is only not available in 2 countries- Cuba and North Korea- over the years there have been issues- it has represented capitalism's spread around the globe- 'capitalism in a bottle'.

It is not sold in Cuba since a trade embargo was put in place against the Island in the 1962 when Fidel Castro became the countries leader. NK has had the same trade embargo since 1950.

Coca-Cola branding in India

The French coined the term- coca-colonisation, when some saw the drink as a threat to French culture. It has struggled in the Middle East (banned by Arab league 1968-91) due to being sold in Israel. It was never marketed in the Soviet Union as makers feared communists would take profits.
When the Berlin wall fell in 1991, Coca- cola was sold in bucket loads to those in the east- who had lived behind the iron curtain for years,

More recently the brand has been targeted because it is American- e.g. 2003- Thailand boycotts and people emptying bottles in streets in protest to the Iraq invasion. Sales were suspended.
The Venezuelan president Chavez has encouraged Venezuelans to drink local juices and Iran's president Ahmadinejad has tried to ban the drink.

How far is globalisation impacting on North Korea?

Is globalisation even making a mark on North Korea?

There are definitely signs

This article paints a brilliant picture of NK, but its translated from German (lost messages? possible!)
It highlights the diversity there but also how elements of globalisation- phones, consumerism, alcohol are creeping in. NK now hosts 10,000 tourists a year, has its own 'Manhattan' style skyline, but also 4th biggest military (60% of GDP goes here!). There are many small holdings and only a handful of approved haircuts, clothing styles but also French perfumes on sale and goods imported from neighbouring China (legally and illegally)

Thursday 26 March 2015

Norfolk! Not the county- the Island off AUSTRALIA!

Norfolk Island

Will it become Australian or keep its independence- isolation threatens it because costs to ship are so high, they have relied on Australian govt subsidies for years. Impacted by financial crisis- reduced tourism- its main source of revenue.

Friday 20 March 2015

UNESCO-educating the world about their attitudes to the environment.

UNESCO- education resources on the issue of attitudes to the environment here

Protecting Antarctica- reducing conflict over the environment?

The UN take on the region of Antarctica 

The antartica

The UN on the treaty...

A summary- main points....

The bushmen (San) of the Kalahari- just living their culture or destroying it?

Background to the Basarwa people

Bushmen herders in New Xade, Botswana

BBC article

facebook page 

Prince Charles' attitude to the environment 2015

Prince Charles was awarded the Teddy Roosevelt conservation award for his action towards conserving the world's environments on the 19th March 2015. 

Charles accepts the Teddy Roosevelt International Conservation Award.

Prince Charles and his son Prince William are seen as being big supporters of preserving the world's natural environments

#EndWildlifeCrime conference

Prince Charles carries a shotgun at Sandringham

Improving UK transport to boost the economy- what about the environment?

It looks likely that billions of pound will be spent on improving transport between major cities in the north of the UK, like Manchester and Leeds. These links would have to cross the Pennines, via a tunnel or through national park (the Peak district) these proposed changes/ improvements show a particular attitude to the environment. 

A passenger train approaches Edale in DerbyshireA map of phase one and phase two of the proposed HS2 high-speed rail project.

The latest plans unveiled in March 2015- indicate there are plans to build a road under the Peak district national park, however there are still the earlier plans above where people are propsing train tracks through the peak district- this will lead to conflict, regardless of the decision that is finally made- conservationists will not want the natural landscape interrupted and workers will ant the quickest route possible, tax payers will want the cheaper option. So what will be the end result?  

Stormy weather in the Pennines on the M62 between Manchester and Leeds near Saddleworth Moor. The TransNorth road strategy includes widening the M62 to four lanes.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Sisters- divided by oil in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Yasuni park in Ecuador

Are robots the key to stopping congestion?

The fast growing city- Kinshasa in Congo DR Africa, has a novel way to control traffic and help reduce congestion which is increasing. 

An 8-foot-tall humanoid traffic robot equipped with a rotating chest and video cameras controls and monitors traffic on a busy road in Kinshasa. These photographs form part of the <a href="">#FutureofCities</a> campaign, a social documentary initiative run by Sony’s Global Imaging AmbassadorsThe robots are intended to blend the functions of traffic lights with human traffic police officers, to control and monitor traffic flow. After introducing two humanoids in 2013, three new and improved robots were installed in the city last week, costing $27,500 (£18,400) each

Cyclone Pam

Devastation in Vanuatu.

Port Vila residents search through the ruins of their home.A local villager who was injured when hit by masonry caused by a shipping container breaking through a concrete wall is seen at his home in Port Villa.
The disaster as it happened

Kabul- soon to be megacity-

Kabul; the world's 5th fastest growing city- 

Afghan shoppers throng the Mandave market area in downtown Kabul.The edges of Kabul are spreading ever outwards.

A boy helps make bricks for new apartment blocks next to Aria City, a gated high-end residential complex.

The home of the gorilla under threat from oil exploration?

Should they destroy the Virungas for oil? 

The Democratic Republic of Congo’s prime minister has said that his government wants to find a way to explore for oil in the Virunga national park, a Unesco world heritage site , and will engage in negotiations with the UN body to “explore judiciously”.
Virunga, Africa’s oldest and most biodiverse park, has been on the list of ‘world heritage in danger’ since 1994, as two decades of armed conflict and intense poaching by militias has taken its toll on the park’s ecosystem.
In 2007, the Congolese ministry of hydrocarbons awarded two oil concessions straddling Virunga’s boundaries to the French major Total, as well as Soco International, a British oil company registered on the London Stock Exchange.
While Total quickly agreed to never explore within the current limits of the park – even in the event of a boundaries change – Soco has carried out exploratory activities in Virunga, concluding a seismic study in July 2014. The company said it will hand over the results of the seismic survey to the Congolese government in coming months.
The newly installed Congolese Conservation authority Hydro-electric plant in its finishing stages, on August 8, 2013 in Mutsora. This plant employs water drawn from natural flow and it will provide electricity for the industry in Mutsora, a town of over 30 000 people. Mutsora is in the "Block V" area of Virunga National Park. UK company Soco International PLC is planning to explore for oil in DRC's Virunga National Park, a protected World Heritage Site and most biodiverse park in Africa.

Ever heard of a pangolin? If you haven't you better hurry! or you never will!!!1

The unique animal the Pangolin which looks like a dinosaur but isn't, has been declared the world's most hunted animal. 

Pangolins are mammals with scales, of the genus <em>Manis</em> in the family <em>Manidae</em>. Their closest relatives are anteaters, armadillos and sloths. These two will end up on a dinner table in Gunagzhou, southern China, one of the areas of the world where their flesh is considered a delicacy.Poachers across Indonesia sell critically endangered live pangolins to middlemen for $28 (£18.70) to $31 per kilo; the average size of a pangolin is six to seven kg.

Many have fallen victim to poachers, whoi sell them for around £19 a kg.

Way of life of Pacific islanders being lost to climate change

A young girl crosses the lagoon at high tide to get some water for her family, who live on a thin strip of sand that gets cut off from the main island every high tide. A boy swims next to his house in Temwaiku. Pollution is a huge issue in South Tarawa with virtually non-existent hard waste management, and here more rubbish is deposited with the tide each day.

Some of the people living in the Marshall Islands and Kiribati have been displaced from their homes due to American nuclear testing sites, now they are threatened by climate change.

See the story in pictures here


Thursday 12 March 2015

ISIS are not the only ones destroying important landscapes

An area of the Amazon rainforest which has been slashed and burned stands next to a section of virgin forest, as seen from a police helicopter during the ‘Hileia Patria’ operation against sawmills and loggers who trade in illegally extracted wood from the Alto Guama River indigenous reserve in Nova Esperanca do Piria, in Para State, 29 September 2013. T

A Ka'apor Indian warrior stands near a burning logging truck in the Alto Turiacu Indian territory, near the Centro do Guilherme municipality in the northeast of Maranhao state in the Amazon basin, August 7, 2014. Tired of what they say is a lack of sufficient government assistance in keeping loggers off their land, the Ka'apor Indians, have sent their warriors out to expel all loggers they find and set up monitoring camps in the areas that are being illegally exploited.

Marshall islands under threat?

climate change in the Marshall Islands

Mali musicians protecting their music right at all costs

All music was banned in northern Mali in 2012 by Islamist militants. But musicians such as Khaira Arby refused to accept it. The last two years have seen a collective of musicians taking Mali's rich musical heritage on a grand Caravan of Peace Рan offshoot of Mali's famous Festival in the Desert. Created to celebrate Music Freedom Day, this short film is a companion to the feature length documentary They Will Have to Kill us First. Can the musicians of Mali rescue their music in exile? Featuring music from Songhoy Blues, Khaira Arby, Vieux Farka Tour̩ and Nick Zinner (Yeah Yeah Yeahs)


Map of Achzivland
Israel's hippy state-  Achzivland

The world's biggest ship...
The new worlds largest ship!

MSC Oscar